Thursday, June 16, 2011

Best Sandwich Ever!

OK. First. I have a lifelong tendency for exaggeration and am frequently super excited about whatever new thing I have encountered that particular moment. Today that thing is the sandwich I brought with me to work today.

To wit, the Arugula Cherry Tomato Goat Cheese Sandwich
2 slices local whole wheat or other dense, nutty bread
Ryal's goat cheese
halved tiny yellow cherry tomatoes (Hollygrove)
arugula (Hollygrove)
smattering of other greens (Hollygrove)
dash Avery Island salt

Make a sandwich with goat cheese on both slices and put mostly arugula, but a few other purple and green sprigs in as large a pile as will fit on one slice of bread. Arrange tomato halves on the other slice. Sprinkle with a tiny bit of salt.
Wrap in wax paper and keep in the work fridge until 12:30.
So simple and so fantastic. It might truly be, without exaggeration, the best sandwich I have ever made, and certainly the best I have ever eaten at my desk.

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