Sunday, June 5, 2011

Lunch prep

For the week ahead, I also made soup to take to work with me. A roasted squash and apple soup. More to come later on that soup; sadly it has the consistency of applesauce and pretty much tastes like applesauce with onions and garlic. It needs some work.
I would like to express and clarify that I don't cook. I just don't cook, never have. Today has been extraordinary. I made a fruit soup, a squash soup, a salad, and some roasted pepitas, the seeds from the largest of the squashes in the soup. This is unprecedented, as I simply don't cook and I certainly don't cook this much in one day.
I have been feeding myself for years, but more in the genre of grazing than actually cooking. I can bake; I learned to bake at an early age and can whip out a batch of cookies and a couple of loaves of something during the holiday season, but I can say for certain that I have never cooked this much in a single day. My husband of 3 years has never seen me cook this much in a day, or a week or even a month. I make the occasional juevos rancheros and I can grill vegetables and make a mean veggie stir fry (two decades of being a vegetarian honed that skill), I just usually choose not to. Luckily, I married a man who enjoys cooking or we would be eating carrot sticks and hummus most nights.
Stay tuned for evolution of Sara in the kitchen.

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