Friday, June 10, 2011

Muses on the locavore challenge - Day 10

There were times this week when I contemplated downgrading my membership to the Wild Card division from the Bienville Rule I signed up for. This challenge is a lot harder than I imagined. My husband and I, as a matter of course, intentionally try to shop locally and invest in the local economy. I have long been an advocate of voting with my dollars, be it for public transportation by taking the bus or through shopping at small local businesses or supporting local artists at local and regional festivals.
I had no idea this locavore challenge would be so difficult. Part of the challenge for me is that I have a regular job, so I have a hard time making it to the local markets, which are generally open during standard business hours, or they are cleaned out by the time I can get there. (I volunteer Saturday mornings at the HNOC, so the CCFM is out; but I am going to investigate the refrigeration options there).
As I followed the rules more strictly at the beginning, I found myself starving most of the day. The strawberry and blueberry soup didn't cure hunger; the pureed squash and apple soup (dubbed "garlic applesauce by my spouse) was OK, but didn't really cure hunger. Nothing I ate seemed substantial. We couldn't get to the markets early enough to procure the goat cheeses and the yogurt and the other substantial proteins from local sources. My husband came back from one market saying, "the locavores have descended like a plague of locusts!" He meant that in the kindest possible way, I'm sure, but our standard practices and regular schedules were not going to work if we were going to stick to the locavore way for an entire month.
On Thursday, I broke down and went to Kyoto. I couldn't take it any longer. I didn't even inquire about the origins of their seafood, I just ordered the Rainbow Hot Box and enjoyed every bite of it!

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